Conference Papers and Proceedings

Glonek, M., Tuke J., Mitchell L., & Bean N. G. (2019).  GLaSS: Semi-supervised Graph Labelling with Markov Random Walks to Absorption. (Aiello, L. Maria, Cherifi C., Cherifi H., Lambiotte R., Lió P., & Rocha L. M., Ed.).Complex Networks and Their Applications. 812, 304-315. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-05411-3_25
Sarker, C., Mejias L., Maire F., & Woodley A. (2019).  Evaluation of the Impact of Image Spatial Resolution in Designing a Context-Based Fully Convolution Neural Networks for Flood Mapping. 2019 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA). doi: 10.1109/DICTA47822.2019.8945888
Woodley, A., McLaughlin C., Hutson H., Geva S., Chappell T., Kelly W., et al. (2019).  High Resolution Change Detection Using Planet Mosaic. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 6578 - 6581. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898765
Abbasi-Yadkori, Y., Bartlett P.L., Gabillon V., Malek A., & Valko M. (2018).  Best of both worlds: Stochastic & adversarial best-arm identification. COLT, Conference on Learning Theory. 75, 918-949.
Botev, Z., Chen Y-L., LrEcuyer P., MacNamara S., & Kroese D. (2018).  Exact posterior simulation from the linear lasso regression. 2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 1706 - 1717. doi: 10.1109/WSC.2018.8632237
Nasim, M., Nguyen A., Lothian N., Cope R., & Mitchell L. (2018).  Real-time Detection of Content Polluters in Partially Observable Twitter Networks. (Champin, P-A., Gandon F., Gandon F., Lalmas M., & Ipeirotis P. G., Ed.).The Web Conference 2018. 1331 - 1339. doi: 10.1145/3184558.3191574
Cheng, X., & Bartlett P. (2018).  Convergence of Langevin MCMC in KL-divergence. (Janoos, F., Mohri M., & Sridharan K., Ed.).roceedings of ALT2018. 83, 186–211.
Cheng, X., Chatterji N. S., Bartlett P. L., & Jordan M. I. (2018).  Underdamped Langevin MCMC: A non-asymptotic analysis. (Bubeck, S., Perchet V., & Rigollet P., Ed.).Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2018). 75, 300–323.
Cheng, X., Roosta-Khorasani F., Palombo S., Bartlett P.L., & Mahoney M. (2018).  FLAG n’ FLARE: Fast Linearly-Coupled Adaptive Gradient Methods. (Storkey, A., & Perez-Cruz F., Ed.).Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 84, 404–414.
Fan, X., Li B., & Sisson S. (2018).  Rectangular bounding process. 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Feutrill, A., Ranathunga D., Yarom Y., & Roughan M. (2018).  The Effect of Common Vulnerability Scoring System Metrics on Vulnerability Exploit Delay. 2018 Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR) . 1-10. doi: 10.1109/CANDAR.2018.00009
Hamza, A., Ranathunga D., Gharakheili H. Habibi, Roughan M., & Sivaraman V. (2018).  Clear as MUD: Generating, Validating and Applying IoT Behavioral Profiles. SIGCOMM IoT Security and Privacy - IoT S&P '18. 8 - 14. doi: 10.1145/3229565.3229566
L'Ecuyer, P.., Botev Z. I., & Kroese D. (2018).  On A Generalized Splitting Method For Sampling From A Conditional Distribution. (Rabe, M.., Juan A.. A., Mustafee N.., Skoogh A.., Jain S.., & Johansson B.., Ed.).2018 Winter Simulation Conference.
Malek, A., & Bartlett P. L. (2018).  Horizon-Independent Minimax Linear Regression. (Bengio, S.., Wallach H.., Larochelle H.., Grauman K.., Cesa-Bianchi N.., & Garnett R.., Ed.).Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31. 5264–5273.
Michaelson, G., Roughan M., Tuke J., Wand M., & Bush R. (2018).  Rasch analysis of HTTP reachability. Proceedings of International Federation for Information Processing Networking 2018. 1, 1-9. doi: 10.23919/IFIPNetworking.2018.8696525
Tune, P., Roughan M., & (2018).  Hierarchical Traffic Matrices: Axiomatic Foundations to Practical Traffic Matrix Synthesis. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (ASIPA) Conference. 1591-1600.
Wang, E., Kurniawati H., & Kroese D. (2018).  An On-line Planner for POMDPs with Large Discrete Action Space: A Quantile-Based Approach. Internatonal Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 273-277. doi: 10.1609/icaps.v28i1.13906
Xie, H., & GUO TIANRUO. (2018).  Fuzzy entropy spectrum analysis for biomedical signals de-noising. 2018 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI). 50-53. doi: 10.1109/BHI.2018.8333367
Yin, D., Pananjady A., Lam M., Papailiopoulos D., Ramchandran K., & Bartlett P. (2018).  Gradient Diversity: a Key Ingredient for Scalable Distributed Learning. (Storkey, A., & Perez-Cruz F., Ed.).Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 84, 1998–2007.
Zegura, E., Péron M., Bartlett P. L., Becker K. Helge, Helmstedt K., & Chadès I. (2018).  Two Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Managing Complete SIS Networks. the 1st ACM SIGCAS ConferenceProceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) - COMPASS '18. 1 - 10. doi: 10.1145/3209811.3209814
Bedini, A.., Zhang L., & Garoni T. M. (2017).  A case study of a continuous flow intersection and its impact on public transport. 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). 959 - 964. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.8317892
Bednarz, T., & Gustafson L. (2017).  Visual communication of ecoacoustic data to general audiences. the 22nd International ConferenceProceedings of the 22nd International Conference on 3D Web Technology - Web3D '17. 1 - 2. doi: 10.1145/3055624.3075948
Ben Taieb, S., Taylor J. W., & Hyndman R. J. (2017).  Coherent Probabilistic Forecasts for Hierarchical Time Series. International Conference on Machine Learning. 70, 3348-3357.
Blaszczyszyn, B.., Keeler H., & Muhlethaler P.. (2017).  Optimizing spatial throughput in device-to-device networks. 2017 15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)2017 15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). 1 - 6. doi: 10.23919/WIOPT.2017.7959938
Diao, J., Nazarathy Y., Taimre T., & Filar J. A. (2017).  To fish or cut bait?. 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). 2473 - 2477. doi: 10.1109/ASCC.2017.8287563
Gong, L., Huang L., Tune P., Han J., Chuah C-N., Roughan M., et al. (2017).  ForestStream: Accurate Measurement of Cascades in Online Social Networks. 2017 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN)2017 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). 1 - 9. doi: 10.1109/ICCCN.2017.8038387
Ke, J., Guo Y., Sowmya A., & Bednarz T. (2017).  A Performance Acceleration Algorithm of Spectral Unmixing via Subset Selection. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. 471-476.
Kim, J., & Bednarz T. (2017).  Virtual reality to save endangered animals: Many eyes on the wild. 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). 436 - 436. doi: 10.1109/VR.2017.7892364
lanka, N. science an (2017).  Analysis of wind speed and direction data in Hambantota district of Southern Sri Lanka. 6 th YSF Symposium.
Muñoz, M. A., & Smith-Miles K. (2017).  Generating custom classification datasets by targeting the instance space. the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference CompanionProceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion on - GECCO '17. 1582 - 1588. doi: 10.1145/3067695.3082532
Wrigley, A., Lee W. Sun, & Ye N. (2017).  Tensor Belief Propagation. International Conference on Machine Learning. 3771–3779.
Borm, M., Patch B., Taimre T., Adan I., & Patch B. (2016).  Evaluation of a Self-organized Traffic Light Policy. 9th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. doi: 10.4108/eai.14-12-2015.2262666
De Gier, J. (2016).  Matrix product and sum rule for Macdonald polynomials. 28th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC).
Delaigle, A. (2016).  Nonparametric Covariate-Adjusted Regression. Joint Statistical Meetings.
Filonik, DF., Rittenbruch MR., Foth MF., & Bednarz T. (2016).  Glance–Generalized geometric primitives and transformations for information visualization in AR/VR environments. 5th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry. doi: 10.1145/3013971.3014006
Grant, M. (2016).  Efficient Estimation of Tail Probabilities of the Typical Distance in Preferential Attachment Models. 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. doi: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822101
Ho, XH., Tomitsch MT., & Bednarz T. (2016).  Finding Design Influence within Roguelike Games. International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play 2016.
Hosseini, MS., Arcot AS., & Bednarz T. (2016).  Interactive Chan-Vese Approach with Random Walk for Medical Images Segmentation. The 9th International Joint Conference on Bioimaging Engineering Systems and Technologies BIOSTEC 2016: BIOIMAGING 2016.
Koolen, W.M., Malek A., Takimoto E., Warmuth M.K., & Bartlett P.L. (2016).  Minimax fixed-design linear regression. Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2015).
Kuhn, J., Mandjes M., Taimre T., & Kuhn J. (2016).  Anomaly identification with limited sampling budget. 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). doi: 10.1109/ITW.2016.7606827
Muñoz, M. A., & Kirley M. (2016).  ICARUS: Identification of complementary algorithms by uncovered sets. 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 2427 - 2432. doi: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7744089
Osman, R., Perez J.F., Casale G., & Bernal J. Perez (2016).  Quantifying the Impact of Replication on the Quality-of-Service in Cloud Databases. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). doi: 10.1109/QRS.2016.40
Psaltis, S. T. P., Vercelloni J., Kim J., Brown R., James A., Burrage K., et al. (2016).  Virtual reality for conservation. International Conference on Web3D Technology. 177–178. doi: 10.1145/2945292.2945319
Qiu, Z., Perez J.F., Harrison P. G., & Bernal J. Perez (2016).  Variability-aware request replication for latency curtailment. IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. doi: 10.1109/INFOCOM.2016.7524365
Qiu, Z., Perez J.F., Harrison P. G., & Bernal J. Perez (2016).  Tackling Latency via Replication in Distributed Systems. The 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE). doi: 10.1145/2851553.2851562
Ranathunga, D., Roughan M., Kernick P., & Falkner N. (2016).  The Mathematical Foundations for Mapping Policies to Network Devices. International Conference on Security and Cryptography. doi: 10.5220/0005946201970206
Ranathunga, D., Roughan M., Kernick P., Falkner N., Nguyen H., Mihailescu M., et al. (2016).  Verifiable Policy-defined Networking for Security Management. International Conference on Security and Cryptography. 344-351. doi: 10.5220/0005990303440351
Ranathunga, D., Roughan M., Kernick P., & Falkner N. (2016).  Malachite: Firewall policy comparison. 2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC). doi: 10.1109/ISCC.2016.7543759
Salomone, R., Vaisman R., & Kroese D. (2016).  Estimating the number of vertices in convex polytopes. 4th Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics (ORS 2016). doi: 10.5176/2251-1938_ORS16.25
Shah, R., & Vaisman R. (2016).  New Sampling Plans for Estimating Residual Connectedness Reliability. Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics ( ORS 2016 ). doi: 10.5176/2251-1938_ORS16.18
Tune, P., Cho K., & Roughan M. (2016).  A Comparison of Information Criteria for Traffic Model Selection. 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ICSPCS). doi: 10.1109/ICSPCS.2016.7843299
Yao, H. (2016).  Estimating Tail Probabilities of Random Sums of Infinite Mixtures of Phase-type Distributions. Winter Simulation Conference 2016. doi: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822102
Ye, N. (2016).  Robustness of Bayesian pool-based active learning against prior misspecification. Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16).
Abbasi-Yadkori, Y., Bartlett P., Chen X., & Malek A. (2015).  Large-scale markov decision problems with KL control cost and its application to crowdsourcing. 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning.
Briol, F., Girolami M., Osbourne M. A., Bednarz T., & Oates C. J. (2015).  Frank-Wolfe Bayesian Quadrature: Probabilistic Integration with Theoretical Guarantees. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Burrage, P., Donovan D., Thompson B., & Burrage K. (2015).  Populations of Models, Experimental Designs and Coverage of Parameter Space by Latin Hypercube and Orthogonal Sampling. International Conference On Computational Science, ICCS 2015 - Computational Science at the Gates of Nature. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.383
Da Silva, M.A.A., Ardagna D., Ferry N., & Bernal J. Perez (2015).  Model-driven design of cloud applications with quality-of-service guarantees: The modaclouds approach.. MICAS Tutorial 16th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2014.
Filonik, D., Rittenbruch T., Foth M., & Bednarz T. (2015).  Collaborative data exploration interfaces – From participatory sensing to participatory sensemaking. IEEE International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics. doi: 10.1109/BDVA.2015.7314289
Greennwood, A. A., Farrell T., Zhang Z., & O'Hara I. M. (2015).  Limitations of a laboratory scale model in predicting optimal pilot scale conditions for dilute acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. 37th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. R. In Bruce. Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Ltd.
Henecka, W., & Roughan M. (2015).  Lossy Compression of dynamic, weighted graphs. IEEE International Conference on Open and Big Data. doi: 10.1109/FiCloud.2015.64
Horne, A., Costa A. M., Boland N.., Kaur S.., Szemis J.., & Stewardson M.. (2015).  Developing a seasonal environmental watering tool. The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015.
Krichene, W., Bayen A. M., & Bartlett P.L. (2015).  Accelerated Mirror Descent in Continuous and Discrete Time. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS 2015) .
Kroese, D., Schmidt V., Hirsch C., & Shah R. (2015).  Rare event probability estimation for connectivity of large random graphs. Winter Simulation Conference.
Kuhn, J., Mandjes M., & Taimre T. (2015).  Mean Shift Detection for State Space Models. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. 1703-1709. doi: 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.J2.kuhn
Malek, A., Koolen W. M., Abbasi-Yadkori Y., & Bartlett P.L. (2015).  Minimax time series prediction. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Mengersen, KL., Taylor J., O'Keefe C., George A., & Bednarz T. (2015).  Big data analytics as a tool to gain new insights. eResearch Australasia 2015.
Muñoz, M. A., & Smith-Miles K. (2015).  Effects of function translation and dimensionality reduction on landscape analysis. 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). 1336 - 1342. doi: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7257043
Nazarathy, Y., Taimre T., Asanjarani A., Kuhn J., Patch B., & Vuorinen A. (2015).  The challenge of stabilizing control for queueing systems with unobservable server states. 2015 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC). 342-347.
Psaltis, S. T. P., Taylor J.T., Matyka M.M., Turner I., & Bednarz T. (2015).  Computational fluid dynamics and GPUs. Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries.
Psaltis, S. T. P., Burrage K., & Farrell T. (2015).  Mathematical modelling of gas production in a Coal Seam Gas (CSG) field. Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries. doi: 10.1016/
Ranathunga, D., Kernick P., Falkner N., Nguyen H., & Roughan M. (2015).  Identifying the missing aspects of the ANSI/ISA best practices for security policy. ASIACCS 2015. doi: 10.1145/2732198.2732201
Ranathunga, D., Kernick P., Faulkner N., & Roughan M. (2015).  Towards standardising firewall reporting. Conference on Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems (CyberICS).
Taylor, J., McMahon S., & Bednarz T. (2015).  Breakthrough Science on GPU Clusters. GPU Technology Conference 2015.
Tuke, J., & Roughan M. (2015).  The Hitchhikers Guide to sharing graph data. IEEE International Conference on Open and Big Data. doi: 10.1109/FiCloud.2015.76
Wang, W., Casale G., & Bernal J. Perez (2015).  Towards a DevOps approach for software quality engineering. ACM/SPEC Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development, in Conjunction with ICPE.2015.
Widzyj-Capehart, E., & Bednarz T. (2015).  Web-based immersive panoramic display systems for mining applications and beyond. The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions.
Z, Q., & Bernal J. Perez (2015).  Assessing the impact of concurrent replication with cancelling in Parallel Jobs. IEEE Computer Society’s Annual International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems.
Bowden, R., Roughan M., & Bean N. G. (2014).  COLD. The 10th ACM International on Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies. doi: 10.1145/2674005.2675012
Burrage, K., Burrage P., Donovan D. M., McCourt T. A., & Thompson H. B. (2014).  Estimates on the Coverage of Parameter Space using Populations of Models. Environment and Water Resource Management. 81-86. doi: 10.2316/P.2014.813-013
Tune, P., & Roughan M. (2014).  Maximum entropy traffic matrix synthesis. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. 42(2), 43-45. doi: 10.1145/2667522.2667536