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- Tim Garoni
Assoc. Professor Tim Garoni
Associate Professor
Monash University
Tim received his Doctorate from the University of Melbourne in 2003, and then held postdoctoral positions at the University of Minnesota, New York University, and the University of Melbourne. He joined Monash University in 2011, where he is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences. Tim’s research interests are chiefly in the application of Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods to problems in statistical mechanics, especially to the study of phase transitions. This involves developing, and rigorously analyzing, Monte Carlo algorithms for studying discrete/combinatorial models in equilibrium statistical mechanics. It also involves studying systems far from equilibrium, such as traffic models.
Research Interests:
Markov-chain Monte Carlo
multiscale models
Statistical mechanics
Transport models
PhD, University of Melbourne
B.Sc. (Hons), University of Melbourne
Invited talks, refereed proceedings and other conference outputs
Rajapaksha, S., Garoni T. M., & Zhang D.. Joyce
(2019). Approximating Link Travel Time Distributions.
63rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society.
Colevecchio, A., Garoni T. M., Hyndman T., & Tokarev D.
(2018). The worm process for the Ising model is rapidly mixing.
The 2nd International Workshop on Critical Behavior in Lattice Models.
Bedini, A.., Zhang L., & Garoni T. M.
(2017). A case study of a continuous flow intersection and its impact on public transport.
2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). 959 - 964. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.8317892
Garoni, T. M.
(2016). The worm process for the Ising model is rapidly mixing.
NZ Probability Workshop 2016.
Journal Articles
Mohajerpoor, R., Saberi M., Vu H. L., Garoni T. M., & Ramezani M.
(2020). $H_{\inf}$ robust perimeter flow control in urban networks with partial information feedback.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 137, 47-73. doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2019.03.010
Deng, Y., Garoni T. M., Grimm J., Nasrawi A., & Zhou Z.
(2019). The length of self-avoiding walks on the complete graph.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2019(10), 103206. doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/ab3da3
Zhou, Z., Grimm J., Fang S., Deng Y., & Garoni T. M.
(2018). Random-Length Random Walks and Finite-Size Scaling in High Dimensions.
Physical Review Letters. 121(18), 185701. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.185701
Elçi, E. Metin, Grimm J., Ding L., Nasrawi A., Garoni T. M., & Deng Y.
(2018). Lifted worm algorithm for the Ising model.
Physical Review E. 97(4), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.042126
Collevecchio, A., Elçi E. Metin, Garoni T. M., & Weigel M.
(2018). On the Coupling Time of the Heat-Bath Process for the Fortuin–Kasteleyn Random–Cluster Model.
Journal of Statistical Physics. 170(1), 22-61. doi: 10.1007/s10955-017-1912-x
Zhang, L., Finn C., Garoni T. M., & De Gier J.
(2018). Behaviour of traffic on a link with traffic light boundaries.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 503, 116 - 138. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2018.02.201
Zhang, L., Stuart C., Rajapaksha S., White G., & Garoni T. M.
(2017). Study of Cross-Correlations in Traffic Networks with Applications to Perimeter Control.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2623, 108 - 116. doi: 10.3141/2623-12
Grimm, J., Elçi E. Metin, Zhou Z., Garoni T. M., & Deng Y.
(2017). Geometric Explanation of Anomalous Finite-Size Scaling in High Dimensions.
Physical Review Letters. 118(11), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.115701
Kutadinata, R., Moase W., Manzie C., Zhang L., & Garoni T. M.
(2016). Enhancing the performance of existing urban traffic light control through extremum-seeking.
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 62, 1 - 20. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2015.10.016
Truong, L. T., Sarvi M., Currie G., & Garoni T. M.
(2016). Required traffic micro-simulation runs for reliable multivariate performance estimates.
Journal of Advanced Transportation. 50(3), 296-314. doi: 10.1002/atr.1319
Collevecchio, A., Garoni T. M., Hyndman T., & Tokarev D.
(2016). The worm process for the Ising model is rapidly mixing.
Journal of Statistical Physics. 164(5), 1082-1102. doi: 10.1007/s10955-016-1572-2
Zhou, Z., Xu X., Garoni T. M., & Deng Y.
(2015). Leaf-excluded percolation in two and three dimensions.
Physical Review E. 91(2), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.022140
Technical reports and unrefereed outputs
Zhang, L., Garoni T. M., & De Gier J.
(2016). Study of Traffic Speed Limits.