Mr Jinran Wu
PhD Student
Queensland University of Technology
I am a PhD student working on statistical machine learning and optimization with applications.
Research Interests:
Parameter estimation
Robust regression
Book Chapters
Wu, J., & Ding Z.
(2020). Improved Grey Model by Dragonfly Algorithm for Chinese Tourism Demand Forecasting..
(H., F., P. F-V., M. A., & J. S., Ed.).Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Trends in Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications. Artificial Intelligence Practices.. 12144, 199 - 209. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-55789-8_18
Invited talks, refereed proceedings and other conference outputs
Lin, X., Li H., Jiang X., Gao Y., Wu J., & Yang Y.
(2021). Improve Exploration of Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm by Opposition-based Learning.
2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC)2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). 265 - 269. doi: 10.1109/PIC53636.2021.9687010
Zhang, B., Yang Y., Zhao D., & Wu J.
(2020). A robust decomposition-ensemble framework for wind speed forecasting.
020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). 9305351. doi: 10.1109/ICARCV50220.2020.9305351
Gao, Y., Qian C., Tao Z., Zhou H., Wu J., & Yang Y.
(2020). Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm via Cellular Automata.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC)2020 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). 34 - 39. doi: 10.1109/PIC50277.2020.9350796
Cui, Z., Hou X., Zhou H., Lian W., & Wu J.
(2020). Modified Slime Mould Algorithm via Levy Flight.
2020 13th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI). 1109 - 1113. doi: 10.1109/CISP-BMEI51763.2020.9263669
Journal Articles
Yang, Y., Zhou H., Gao Y., Wu J., Wang Y-G., & Fu L.
(2022). Robust penalized extreme learning machine regression with applications in wind speed forecasting.
Neural Computing and Applications. 34, 391–407. doi: 10.1007/s00521-021-06370-3
Miao, M., Wu J., Cai F., & Wang Y-G.
(2022). A Modified Memetic Algorithm with an Application to Gene Selection in a Sheep Body Weight Study.
Animals. 12(2), 201. doi: 10.3390/ani12020201
Yang, Y., Tao Z., Qian C., Gao Y., Zhou H., Ding Z., et al.
(2022). A hybrid robust system considering outliers for electric load series forecasting.
Applied Intelligence. 52, 1630-1652. doi: 10.1007/s10489-021-02473-5
Yang, Y., Xi X., Miao S., & Wu J.
(2022). Event-triggered output feedback containment control for a class of stochastic nonlinear multi-agent systems.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 418, 126817. doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126817
Yang, Y., Zhou H., Wu J., Ding Z., & Wang Y-G.
(2022). Robustified extreme learning machine regression with applications in outlier-blended wind-speed forecasting.
Applied Soft Computing. 122, 108814. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2022.108814
Duan, Q., Wu J., & Wang Y-G.
(2022). Optimal battery capacity in electrical load scheduling.
Journal of Energy Storage. 50, 104190. doi: 10.1016/j.est.2022.104190
Wu, J., Wang Y-G., Tian Y-C., Burrage K., & Cao T.
(2021). Support vector regression with asymmetric loss for optimal electric load forecasting.
Energy. 223, 119969. doi: 10.1016/
Cui, Z., Wu J., Ding Z., Duan Q., Lian W., Yang Y., et al.
(2021). A hybrid rolling grey framework for short time series modelling.
Neural Computing and Applications. 33, 11339-11353. doi: 10.1007/s00521-020-05658-0
Yang, Y., Fan X., Xu C., Wu J., & Sun B.
(2021). State Consensus Cooperative Control for a Class of Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Output Constraints via ADP Approach.
Neurocomputing. 458, 284-296. doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.05.046
Zhu, M., Wu J., & Wang Y‐G.
(2021). Multi‐horizon accommodation demand forecasting: A New Zealand case study.
International Journal of Tourism Research. 23(3), 442-453. doi: 10.1002/jtr.2416
Zhang, S., Wu J., Jia Y., Wang Y-G., Zhang Y., & Duan Q.
(2021). A temporal LASSO regression model for the emergency forecasting of the suspended sediment concentrations in coastal oceans: Accuracy and interpretability.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 100, 104206. doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104206
Liu, C-J., Wu J., Jayetileke H. Lakshika, & Hu Z-H.
(2021). Long-Range Dependence and Multifractality of Ship Flow Sequences in Container Ports: A Comparison of Shanghai, Singapore, and Rotterdam.
Applied Sciences. 11(21), 10378. doi: 10.3390/app112110378
Ouyang, Z., Zhai X., Wu J., Yang J., Yue D., Dou C., et al.
(2021). A Cloud Endpoint Coordinating CAPTCHA based on Multi-view Stacking Ensemble.
Computers & Security. 103, 102178. doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2021.102178
Xu, X., McGrory C. Anne, Wang Y-G., & Wu J.
(2021). Influential factors on Chinese airlines’ profitability and forecasting methods.
Journal of Air Transport Management. 91, 101969. doi: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2020.101969
Gao, S., Wu J., Stiller J., Zheng Z., Zhou M., Wang Y-G., et al.
(2020). Identifying barley pan-genome sequence anchors using genetic mapping and machine learning.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133(9), 2535 - 2544. doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03615-y
Wu, J., Wang Y-G., Burrage K., Tian Y-C., Lawson B., & Ding Z.
(2020). An improved firefly algorithm for global continuous optimization problems.
Expert Systems with Applications. 149, 113340. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113340
Yang, Y., Ge J., Yue D., Meng Q., & Wu J.
(2020). Adaptive Resilient Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on Event-Triggered Mechanism.
Neurocomputing. 403, 304-313. doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.04.061
Wu, J., Cui Z., Chen Y., Kong D., & Wang Y-G.
(2019). A new hybrid model to predict the electrical load in five states of Australia.
Energy. 166, 598 - 609. doi: 10.1016/