Prof You-Gan Wang
You-Gan is a Professor of Data Science at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He brings to ACEMS a wealth of experience working with multidisciplinary teams on a wide range of problems.
“My background is applied, and I believe my research matches with several ACEMS themes dealing with real problems in medicine, biology, and the environment,” says You-Gan.
You-Gan’s research has had significant impacts in resource management with projects involving fisheries and hydrology, and in biostatistics working on clinical trials.
You-Gan has been at QUT since 2015. From 2010-2015, he was a chair Professor of Applied Statistics and Director for the Centre for Applications in National Resource Mathematics at The University of Queensland.
He has also held positions at Harvard University, the National University of Singapore, and the University of Tasmania, along with two separate stints at CSIRO.

Prof You-Gan Wang at 2018 ACEMS Retreat
As an incoming CI, You-Gan recently took the time to introduce himself and his research interests to ACEMS members attending the recent 2018 ACEMS Retreat in Torquay, Victoria.
“I see ACEMS as a hub for us to get together and identify something common we can work on. I’m hopeful the next few years will be very productive, especially in the area of bridging statistics and machine learning,” said You-Gan.
Along with seeking his own new collaborations with Centre members, You-Gan believes his students will also have a much better opportunity to collaborate and expand their research interests with other ACEMS students.
“It’s a good starting point for learning how to work in a multi-disciplinary environment. Everyone in ACEMS is working on different projects, so their skills are all different. Sometimes they overlap, but it’s good for them to interact,” said You-Gan.
You-Gan completed his undergraduate degree in pure mathematics at Zhejiang University in China. He earned a Masters in Statistics at Peking University, and went on to get a PhD in Statistics from Oxford.
He is currently a member of the ARC College of Experts.
"You-Gan is a great addition to the Centre and brings vast experience in modelling dependent data and decision processes across a broad range of environmental and medical applications," said Prof Ian Turner, ACEMS Deputy Director (QUT).
There are now 20 Chief Investigators in ACEMS across seven Australian Universities. You-Gan is one of five CIs based at QUT.
Congratulations, You-Gan!