Like investors, bacteria, viruses and cancer cells hedge their bets

QUT mathematicians from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) applied financial risk management theory to the study of biological population dynamics to better understand an emergent ‘cellular hedging’ strategy that maximises the expected growth rate of bacteria and other microorganisms.

Their research shows that bacteria, viruses and cancer cells can act like savvy human investors by diversifying their population against futures shocks just as people hedge their investments with a diversified portfolio against uncertainty.

The research was featured on the cover of the 5 January issue of the Biophysical Journal (pictured left), with lead author Alex Browning creating the artwork using a graphical rendering of an experiment that probes bacterial persistence. 

To read more about the research, check out Alex's blog for the Biophysical Journal  

- QUT Media Release on the research 

- Link to the publication in the Biophysical Journal

The study was conducted by QUT PhD researchers Alexander Browning, Jesse Sharp; post-doctoral researcher Dr Tarunendu Mapder; and Professors Kevin Burrage and Matthew J Simpson – all from the QUT School of Mathematical Sciences and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS); Dr Christopher M Baker from University of Melbourne and ACEMS.