Masoud Kamgarpour, Kate Smith-Miles (outgoing President AustMS), Diane Donovan (VP, Learning and Teaching)
Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) Annual Dinner
Contributed by Giang Nguyen

Jacqui Ramagge (incoming President AustMS)
One bright evening in Adelaide last December, almost 120 participants of the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) annual meeting headed over to the Playfold Adelaide Hotel, where the Women in Mathematical Sciences Dinner was held. The sixth one in its series, the dinner is part of the tradition to celebrate female plenary speakers at the annual meetings and to raise awareness of gender diversity and inclusion.
This year, dinner was opened by a rousing speech of Professor Caroline McMillen, the newly minted South Australia Chief Scientist. Professor McMillen told us about her fascinating career path, and spoke passionately about the benefits of, and measures to support, gender equity. This was followed by intimate storytelling by five female plenary speakers, Professor Hinke Osinga (Auckland), Dr Joan Licata (ANU), Professor Malwina Luczak (Melbourne), Professor Nageswari Shanmugalingam (Cincinnati) and Professor Natalie Thamwattana (Newcastle). Amongst other insights, they shared anecdotes of challenges they encountered during their careers and gave advice on how to overcome similar obstacles. They also graciously answered questions from the audience. The night ended with delicious desserts and happy mingling between all participants.
The dinner was made possible by the generous financial support of Professor Kate Smith-Miles, through her ARC Laureate Georgia Sweet Fellowship, and of ACEMS.

Deborah Jackson and Yvonne Stokes (WIMSIG Chair)